My policy is "here and now", which simply means that we share our raw and honest thoughts and feelings about what is happening at the moment. I strive for openness and transparency, and I entrust this to my clients as well.
I represent the integrative approach, which presupposes a common, general image of man in all therapeutic theories, a generally accepted view of the internal processes of the individual. On a technical level, this means the combination of several methods that can be applied to a specific psychological problem or task, and which are considered effective in the international and domestic literature.
An existential perspective that focuses on concepts that are universally applicable to human existence, including death, freedom, responsibility, and the meaning of life, is part of my therapeutic thinking. I regard the inevitable storms of life as natural stages of human development, and to promote this development, I place great emphasis during therapy on the philosophical exploration of the individual's experiences, emphasizing the individual's freedom and responsibility so that the meaning and well-being of his life is of a higher degree. I think it's important to learn how to grow, heal, and keep our balance in this swirling, changing, and sometimes very painful world.
In addition to myself as a practical professional, because of my "researcher self", the scientificity of my methods is a primary basis for me. On the other hand, I don't like to see science as a rigid, hard scientific framework and I believe in the power of intuitive thinking.
Finally, during my work, my goal is to create an accepting, calm atmosphere, 100% attention to the patient, and then understanding. I trust that everyone can achieve change and achieve their goals.